# 1. 面接案内の電話(US)

# スクリプト

Hi, this is Chloe from Anblia in the US. Thank you for the job interview on Skype last week to discuss the position of investor relations manager. I was very impressed with your resume and experience… and personality… and everything. I’d like to set up a second interview with you in person this time. We’ll reimburse you for all travel expenses that you incur while traveling from India. How about next Friday? My supervisor will be out of town …so it’ll be just the two of us, you and I. I need you! I look forward to hearing from you.

# 単語チェック

job interview: 面接
position: 職位
investor relations: IR(財務広報)
be impressed with: 感銘を受ける
resume: 履歴書
set up: 手配する
second interview: 二次面接
in person: 直接会って
reimburse: 払い戻す
travel expenses: 旅費
incur: 負担する、被る
supervisor: 上司
out of town: 街から離れている
look forward to ~: ~を楽しみにしている
hear from~: ~から連絡をもらう

# 日本語訳
