# 15. ゾンビを効率的に殺す方法(UK)

# スクリプト

Welcome to the workshop "How to effectively kill zombies." I'm your instructor, John Marcus. I work for Anblia. I know you have a big role in protecting your family, students, employees, and yourself. So, in today's seminar, I'll give you two indispensable tips to survive. First, how to prevent zombies from breaking through doors and barricades. Second, I'll be giving a live demonstration of a zombie snipe. Don't hesitate to kill them under any circumstance. The fees for this seminar include hard hat and gas mask... and I'll pass out the brochure of zombie insurance later. Don't forget to buy it... Let's get started!

# 単語チェック

workshop: ワークショップ、研修
effectively: 効率的に、効果的に
instructor: 講師、インストラクター
work for: ~で働いている
role: 役割
seminar: セミナー
indispensable: 不可欠な
tip: 秘訣、役立つ情報
prevent A from ~: Aが~するのを防ぐ
live demonstration: 実演
hesitate: ためらう
circumstance: 状況
fee: 料金
hard hat: ヘルメット
pass out: 配る
brochure: パンフレット
insurance: 保険

# 日本語訳
