# 14. ゾンビ渋滞発生中(AUS)

# スクリプト

Good morning! This is Jenn Carter with the 7__:00pm traffic update. Commuters southbound on Washington Avenue can expect heavy traffic. Recently, zombies poured onto the streets, blocking all lanes at the roundabout on Washington Avenue. Authorities have killed a thousand zombies, but are still working on taking out the remaining undead lingering in the area. Traffic into downtown Owen district will be restricted for the foreseeable future, so if you are planning on heading south, you may want to take a detour through Bruce Street, which is an alternative route to escape the congestion at the intersection on Washington Avenue and use McLean Boulevard to get into the bay area. You can call for details on the zombie situation at toll-free number 233-555-4359. Last report from the police advised to watch out for zombies and slippery road conditions due to splattered stuff... and to not make fun of them. Stay tuned for more music after the break.

# 単語チェック

update: 最新情報
commuter: 通勤者
southbound: 南の方向の
heavy traffic: 交通混雑
pour onto: どっと出てくる、流れ込む
block: 塞ぐ、封鎖する
lane: 車線
roundabout: 環状交差点
authority: 当局
work on: 取り組む
remain: とどまる、残る
undead: ゾンビ
linger: 居残る、漂っている
downtown: 繁華街
district: 地域
restrict: 制限する
for the foreseeable future: しばらく長期間
head: 向かう
may want to: ~した方が良い(丁寧な提案)
detour: 迂回
alternative: 代わりの、別の
congestion: 渋滞
intersection: 交差点
Boulevard: 大通り
bay area: 湾岸エリア
call for: 求める
detail: 詳細
toll-free number: フリーダイヤル番号
watch out: 注意する
slippery road conditions: 滑りやすい道路の状況
splattered: 飛び散らかった
make fun of: からかう
stay tuned: チャンネルはそのままで
break: 中断(ここでは「CM」の意味)

# 日本語訳
