# 18. 解毒剤の販売開始(AUS)

# スクリプト

This is a special breaking news report. Anblia Holding has developed a new medicine for zombies. The medicine reportedly can turn zombies into humans. The company will launch the medicine as a sports drink to provide this solution promptly and efficiently all over the world without a prescription. You can place your order on their website to get it. If you can't judge whether you are zombie or not, get a medical checkup first at Anblia medical clinic. Hopefully, this will help calm this volatile situation. Let's move on to the next topic of US president's escape from the earth.

# 単語チェック

breaking news: 緊急ニュース
develop: 開発する
medicine: 薬
reportedly: 伝えられるところによると
turn A into B: AをBに変える
launch: ローンチする、開始する
provide: 提供する
solution: 解決策
promptly: 迅速に、きっかり
efficiently: 効率よく
prescription: 処方箋
place your order: 注文する
checkup: 身体検査、健康診断
calm: 鎮める
volatile: 不安定な、危険な
move on to:(話題に)移る

# 日本語訳
