# 7. フライト遅延の埋め合わせ(UK)

# スクリプト

Attention, all passengers of Flight 189 bound for London, there will be a slight departure delay due to snow on the runway. The flight is expected to depart in about 96 hours. On behalf of Sexy Airlines, I'd like to express my sincerest apologies for the delay. Passengers are entitled to apply for compensation, which includes complimentary beverages, snacks and... a special massage from our flight attendant...yeah... I suggest you take advantage of this rare opportunity! Those of you with connecting flights in London should speak to one of our flight crew at the counter. We apologize for the inconvenience.!

# 単語チェック

Attention, all passengers: 乗客のみなさまにお知らせします
slight: わずかな
departure: 出発
delay: 遅れ
due to~: ~のために
runway: 滑走路
be expected to~: ~が予想される
on behalf of: ~を代表して
apology: 謝罪
be entitled to~: ~する権利がある
apply for: ~を求める、申し込む
compensation: 埋め合わせ、補償
complimentary: 無料の
beverage: 飲み物
take advantage of: 利用する 活用する
opportunity: 機会
connecting flight: 乗り継ぎ便
crew: 搭乗員
apologize: 謝る
inconvenience: 不便

# 日本語訳
